Andean Flamingos, Chile

Andean Flamingos, Chile
See post on flamingos, rheas and camelids

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Invasive Lobsters To The Vancouver Sun, August 7, 2016: If the Hon. Dominic LeBlanc’s bureaucrats and negotiators think that “scientific evidence is far from certain” that American lobsters pose no threat to European lobsters, then they haven’t sought or listened to scientific advice. American lobsters do not occur naturally in Europe and would be a dangerous invasive, alien, exotic species. The two are different species, but can interbreed. The world is full of ecological disasters caused by introduction of exotic species, but we have only to look at British Columbia to see the dangers. These examples are only three of many: exotic milfoil fowling Okanagan Lake, alien knapweeds ruining cattle pastures throughout our interior grasslands and introduced mysid shrimp destroying trout fisheries in Kootenay and Arrow Lakes. No credible scientist would recommend any trade actions that could result in introducing our species into their waters.

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